One of my biggest beefs [is] with the gender role experience… Is it reasonable to expect somebody to present for a year full-time in an identity congruent role with their family or friends or at work, when sometimes there are issues of safety? [T]he way that it’s worded [in the WPATH-SOC], it’s ‘yes/no’."
Clinician, as quoted in MacKinnon et al., (2019), Advances in Health Sciences Education
Decision aid for genital reconstruction surgery in transmasculine spectrum people and trans men.
Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) is a province-wide program of Sherbourne Health that works to promote the health of Ontario’s LGBT2SQ communities and improve their access to services. RHO creates resources, provides information and consultation services, delivers education and training, and supports research to develop evidence-based practice and informed public policy.
Action Santé Travesties et Transsexuel(le)s du Québec (ASTTeQ) is a community trans health group, which aims to promote the health and well-being of trans people through peer support and advocacy, education and outreach, and community empowerment and mobilization. Follow the link for ASTTeQ’s handbook for health care and social service providers working with trans people.
CATIE strengthens Canada’s response to HIV and hepatitis C by bridging research and practice. We As Canada’s official knowledge broker for HIV and hepatitis C, CATIE connects healthcare and community-based service providers with the latest science, promotes good practices for prevention and treatment programs, and offers health resources for trans people.
Trans Care BC supports the delivery of equitable and accessible care, surgical planning, and peer and community support for trans people across British Columbia.
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